They’re taking the Christ out of Christmas
Amy Deakin - Instagram at @amydpoetry
They’re taking the Christ out of Christmas.
Removing nativity plays,
Forcing all to say Winterval
and wish people happy holidays.
They’re taking the Christ out of Christmas.
I get angry at Christmas jingles,
replacing the old-fashioned Christmas carols
With Michael Buble singles.
They’re taking the Christ out of Christmas.
Kidnapped baby Jesus on wheels
and shut him inside a department store
Because he no longer appeals.
They’re taking the Christ out of Christmas.
Now Starbucks is in on the act,
With their two tonal PC red cups -
It’s a sign that the world has gone mad.
They’re taking the Christ out of Christmas.
I stand on street corners and shout
telling people off for going out shopping
“That’s not what Christmas is about!”
But really - is Christ out of Christmas?
When the church hall is used all year round
And people keep coming to services
and nativity plays are allowed.
You can go to church if you want to,
without getting shot on the way.
You can buy cards with baby Jesus
and sing carols on Christmas day.
But you can take Christ out of Christmas
by ignoring the people he saved:
The rejected and angry and bitter;
the unhappy, unwanted and fazed.
By screwing the poor and the homeless.
By calling them scrounging scum.
By walking by when people suffer
you walk by the Holy One.
So yes, I celebrate Christmas
And the joy baby Jesus brings,
By remembering the what he grew up to be
The merciful King of Kings.