This was my grandmother’s recipe. As with most of her recipes the instructions were rather vague, and so I had to adapt it a little. I think the recipe was from the period around WW2, or maybe before. It makes a light Christmas pudding, and was popular in our family. It is also known as the best way to remove wallpaper in a kitchen – the long boiling caused all the wallpaper to fall down!
8oz flour
8oz stale bread
8oz suet (1 use about 4-6oz)
8oz brown sugar
1 carrot, grated
1tbsp treacle
8oz dried fruit
2oz dried peel
Mixed spice
Mix with egg or mil. Boil 2-3 hours and steam 1 hour to reheat.
Alternative – I have used 4 eggs and rum to mix which made 2x1pt puddings. Perhaps 8oz suet is too much, I tried using 6oz, or using less liquid!
It was well received, a favourite at Christmas!