You don’t argue with an angel,
Do you?
Well, I wanted to.
Of course the published version
Is much shorter
Than the encounter
And – like the swan –
What is shown was not
What was going on
“Greatly troubled”?
That’s the understatement
Of all time.
I was terrified, confused,
And utterly bewildered.
Who wouldn’t be?
Apart from the fact –
Not exactly minor –
That what he was suggesting
Was physically impossible,
My mind was racing
With what on earth
This would do to my future
And none of it was good.
There were long silences
Where I thought
And prayed
And panicked.
And then, at last,
A quiet calm
As I realised
I did not understand
But could accept.
At least.... for now.
Poem by Jeannie Kendall, reproduced with permission