1 large or 2 small pheasants
6oz unsmoked bacon
2 shallots or 2 cloves of garlic
½ tsp crushed rosemary leaves
2oz butter
3 fresh Polish pork sausages
2 tbs bacon or pork fat
½ hard, white cabbage (about 1lb)
salt, petter
¼ pint dry white wine
white wine vinegar (optional)
Wipe the inside of the bird and fill it with a stuffing made from 4 ounces of the bacon, the shallots or garlic and the rosemary, all chopped together.
Melt the butter in a frying-pan and brown the pheasant all over, also the sausages, cut into inch lengths.
While the bird is browning, melt the bacon fat in a flameproof casserole.
Discard the hard stalk and slice the cabbage finely across so that it is like spaghetti. Fry it in the bacon fat until it is fairly soft but not completely cooked. Season.
Put the pheasant on top of the cabbage and cover it with the remaining slices of bacon. Arrange the sausages round the bird and pour the wine over it. If the wine is not a very dry one, add a little vinegar.
Cover and cook in a fairly slow oven (325F, Mark 3) until the pheasant is tender - 1 hour to 1 ¾ hours, depending on the age and size of the bird.
Note: If Polish sausage is not available, a good Cumberland sausage or Bratwurst will do.