Inspired by the wise men taking another path from Herod

Surprising God of unexpected endings,
we enter your presence with lives half-lived.
And we bring with us the gifts of
our hopes, our dreams,
our expectations, and our fears.
We bring the years that have passed,
and the times still to come.
And in this moment, we ask that you will meet us
through the restless Spirit of your eternal son,
our saviour Jesus Christ.
Come to us in time, and show us the path to eternity.
Forgive us for those days we depart from your way,
and lead us ever back to you
as we travel roads as-yet unknown.
Give us creative minds and open hearts,
that we might be sensitive to the stirrings of your Spirit,
as you bring order from chaos, peace from conflict,
love from hate, and hope from despair.
Surprising God of unexpected endings,
in whom all of eternity finds its meaning,
we offer you our lives and our world,
and we trust you with all that lies before us.
Source here.