Loving God of Advent, we await your coming.
We gather in your name this morning,
in expectation of encounter with you,
but we know that there is nothing we can do
to hasten your presence among us.
And so we wait for you.
And as we wait, we open our hearts and minds
to the scrutiny of your Spirit.
Show us those places in our lives
where we have closed the door to your presence;
convict us of our sins and selfish actions,
that we might be forgiven and transformed
by your coming into our midst.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Come in power, come in weakness,
come in judgment, come in forgiveness,
come in our joy, and in our sorrow.
Come to your people,
that we might discover your presence
and know the love that you kindle in our cold hearts.
Come to us that we might become
the agents of your in-breaking kingdom of justice and peace.
Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Source here.