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The Nativity According to Gabriel
A script for a nativity service, where Gabriel saves the day. Call to Worship With Angels, and Archangels, and with all the company of...

Christmas Visitors
Elizabeth Its been a bit quiet around here recently so I was pleased of a visitor who I could talk to and who could answer me back. Let...

The Musical Sheep
You know, they say of us sheep that we are silly creatures – a bit lacking in the brain department. You needn’t look so innocent – I know...

The Houseproud Cow
Well now, I’m not one to gossip – but you should see the goings on here this evening. Last year’s soldiers’ winter festival had nothing...

The Haughty Camel
Join up and see the world, they said. Sign on and travel to far away and exotic places. Be the envy of your friends and family. Well,...

The depressed donkey
Life, don’t talk to me about life. Just when you think it can’t get any worse – it does. And it doesn’t stop there. It goes on getting...

Christmas round the camp fire
This was written for a particular space, and used the various parts of it; it will need adapting to whatever space you are using, but...

Journeying to Bethlehem
Invitation Hymn Come and join our celebration Intro During advent, we have been following the idea of a journey to Bethlehem. So Far, we...

How Can We Know What's Going On?
Scene 1 Voice 1 Come and see what God has done; how awesome his works on behalf of people. Voice 2 In those days, Caesar Augustus issued...

The Historian and The Rower's Nativity
This was written based on the real lives of the two ministers “leading” the play; one is a historian, the other a rower…. Scene 1 Ruth...

All a bit of a muddle
Scene 1. Scene Card: Church Sunday lunch. Cook moving from table to table, repeats 'I thought it was beef, and it turns out to be pork'....

What child is this?
Cast Mary Joseph Gabriel Shepherd 1 Shepherd 2 Midwife Simeon Anna Magus 1 Magus 2 Herod Other Shepherds Other angels Magi’s attendants...

Toddlers’ Nativity
This was created for a toddler group where all children were under 3 years old and involved full participation by children and carers...

Getting Ready For Jesus
A series of short videos designed to be used by children and families at home, alongside the nativity scene which you can obtain from...

Lighting the Advent Candles
A series of five short videos that could be used in an online service instead of the traditional lighting of Advent Candles. Participants...

Angels on Zoom
Scenario Isaiah is looking to finalise his prophecy about Jesus’ birth from Isaiah 9. He meets over Zoom with some of God’s angels, and...

A Play for Christmas
Re-telling Mary and Joseph's story from a modern perspective. Download from here. We are grateful to the North Western Baptist...

Scruffy Levi
Explores the Christmas story through their eyes of a boy that no-one has time for. Download from here.

There Were Shepherds
Explores whether we sometimes try to dumb-down the Christmas story. Download from here. We are grateful to the North Western Baptist...

A Christmas Cracker
Asks what is the true heart of Christmas. Download from here. We are grateful to the North Western Baptist Association for making this...

Keep it to yourself
Imagines what might have happened if the shepherds had told no-one - exploring our attitude to sharing Good News today. Download from...

What's the real story?
A short sketch that uses the Christmas story to explore how God can speak through difficult circumstances. Download from here. We are...

Opting In
A short sketch based on Joseph's response to Mary's pregnancy exploring the potential we release when we follow God's way. Download from...
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