The Christmas story of Jesus born into poverty
reminds us that this is a time to especially consider
those who are themselves facing difficulty through
the winter period.
Here you will find some resources for showing
compassion for those who struggle.
This year, the Government's 'everyone in' response to the pandemic has provided a wonderful respite for many who would otherwise be facing another winter on the streets. However, many issues still remain around homelessness, and your response can make a huge difference. Not everyone was able to access the emergency accommodation, and there are still many people on the streets of London and across the country.
You might see if you have a local Night Shelter which needs volunteer support, or financial assistance. In London, we partner with the Camden and Westminster Night Shelters :
The well-known charity Centre Point provides housing and support for young people.
Crisis at Christmas will still be running this year, providing both practical and emotional support for those who are homeless.
Meanwhile thousands of homeless people who are currently housed in hotels around the country don't have access to public funds (No Recourse to Public Funds). This means they can't access vital services like Universal Credit and key parts of the NHS. Why not join the Campaign from Citizens UK to end the NRPF Condition and ensure that no homeless person, regardless of their immigration status, is left behind during the pandemic.
Food Poverty
While many of us will be tucking into Christmas meals, many others will be struggling to feed their families. You can make a difference by supporting your local food bank, or making a donation to the food charity Fare Share.
The Trussell Trust run many of the UKs food banks.
Fare Share fight hunger by tackling food waste.
Under Threat
Domestic abuse doesn't stop at Christmas, and is not just about violence: it can include verbal, sexual, psychological, financial or emotional abuse. To find out more, or to get help and advice, you can visit the women's domestic violence charities Refuge and Women's Aid
Refuge run a Freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline.
Women's Aid work to protect women and children from domestic abuse.
You might also support Ella's, a London-based organisation working with women who have survived trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Financial Advice
For many people, Christmas is when financial strain is at its most severe. Church Action on Poverty is a national ecumenical Christian social justice charity, committed to tackling poverty in the UK. They work in partnership with churches, and with people in poverty themselves, to tackle the root causes of poverty.
Debt Free London is London’s free face-to-face debt advice service helping over 23,000 Londoners with their debt and money problems each year.
Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church in the heart of London's West End has a long record of acting with compassion to combat injustice. Please consider making a donation to help us with our important work.
Useful resources
The Connection Between Homelessness & Addiction